ASTC facilitates learning and collaboration among members, works to elevate the work of science centers and science museums, and supports our members to prepare and lead with their communities in advancing equitable engagement in science and technology.

Join as a Science Center and Museum Member and start receiving these benefits for everyone at your institution:

If you want to connect, learn, and lead with others who are deeply involved in STEM engagement . . .
  • ASTC Communities to keep you connected to the global science center field and colleagues passionate about the same things as you, including grassroots groups formed around Adult Engagement, Advocates for Diversity, Development/Fundraising, Early Childhood, Making and Tinkering, Marketing, Membership, Museum Screens, Outreach, Small Museums, Visitor Services, and more.
  • ASTC General Forum, an online home for asking questions, sharing knowledge, collective action, and more with discussions on more than 2,000 topics.
  • NEW! ASTC Chief Executives Forum—a private space for the leaders of ASTC Science Center and Museum members to engage with one another, pose questions, and share resources—and similar forums for Financial Officers and Human Resources Leads.
  • Member discounts on ASTC Annual Conference participation, one of the premier annual events for science-engagement professionals and leaders.
  • Free enrollment or registration discounts on a wide variety of professional-growth webinars and workshops, both in-person and online for all of your staff; these learning sessions are full of networking opportunities and rich ideas.
  • New resources to help you prepare and lead with your communities, anticipate and act on market and societal trends, and embrace effective approaches that advance equitable engagement in science and technology.
  • ASTC Fellowship Programs, opportunities for staff to learn and develop new capacity to serve your institution and deliver impact in your community.
  • myASTC accounts for each staff member, unlocking the ASTC benefits designed for those who need to be networking, sharing, and collaborating with others in the field.
  • ASTC Member Directory at myASTC, an online, searchable directory of people who work in other ASTC-member organizations.
If you want to be part of the larger community known for working together and advancing the public’s engagement with science . . .
  • Join with a community of professionals committed to public engagement in STEM, informal science education, science communications, and related fields.
  • Advocacy for science centers and museums, and STEM engagement, before the U.S. Congress and Federal agencies; through the media; and with philanthropic foundations, scientific societies, and international organizations.
  • Option to participate in the ASTC Travel Passport Program, a promotional tool that keeps your member households engaged with STEM even when they travel, providing free general admission to other participating institutions around the world as a benefit of their joining your institution.
  • Periodic opportunities to apply for members-only grants as part of larger projects coordinated by ASTC in partnership with strategic partners in STEM engagement.
  • Member discounts on ASTC Job Bank listings, to help you broaden and target your search for staff experienced in science engagement and informal-science organizational operations.
  • Eligibility for the Roy L. Shafer Leading Edge Awards, recognizing extraordinary accomplishments that not only enhance the performance of organizations but also significantly advance STEM engagement in our communities.
  • Opportunities for serving the field and professional growth through volunteer leadership positions with the ASTC Board, Committees, and ASTC Communities.
  • Opportunities to share your proud membership in the ASTC community, with inclusion on the online list of ASTC members, membership stickers and decals, and the ASTC logo for your website and brochure.
If you—and all your team members—want stay up-to-date on opportunities, news, and trends in our field . . .
  • Informer, ASTC’s biweekly email newsletter with timely information and actionable opportunities for those working in organizations like yours.
  • ASTC Statistics Analysis Package, an annual report on science-center attendance, facilities, finances, membership, programs, staffing, and more, based on a survey of ASTC Science Center and Museum members (with free accompanying ASTC Survey Raw Data Report available to participating Science Center and Museum members).
  • NEW! ASTC Weekly Attendance and Operations Report, based on surveys of ASTC members in various stages of re-opening during COVID-19, for those Science Center and Museum members that participate in the surveys.
If you want to do business, share research, or find partners with others in community . . .
  • Member discounts and priority placement on booth space in the Exhibit Hall during the ASTC Annual Conference. Members also receive two complimentary registrations per 10′ x 10′ booth.
  • Member discounts on advertising in the Informer enewsletter (circulation of 5,000), the ASTC Annual Conference Program (distributed to all attendees), ASTC Communities, and the ASTC website you are at right now!
  • Inclusion in the ASTC Marketplace, an online, searchable list of products and services.

Membership Dues

ASTC membership terms for Science Center and Museum members run from January 1 through December 31.

Dues are assessed based on an institution’s annual operating revenue* from the most recently completed fiscal year. For institutions joining ASTC after March, annual dues are prorated.

The following dues rates are valid through November 2023.

Annual Operating Revenue (in USD)2023 Annual Dues (in USD)
Less than $500,000$640
$500,000 – $1 million$1,020
$1 million – $3 million$1,400
$3 million – $5 million$2,800
$5 million – $10 million$4,300
$10 million – $15 million$5,160
$15 million – $20 million$5,920
$20 million or more$8,060
*For the purposes of member dues, ASTC defines annual operating revenue as: all earned revenue including gross revenue from all museum operations, film and exhibit rentals, all private and public (government) support, all restricted and unrestricted grants, and all interest and endowment income.

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