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  • Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
    The American Association of University Women
    A 2010 research report by AAUW presents compelling evidence that can help to explain why there are so few women in STEM careers. It presents in-depth yet accessible profiles of eight key research findings that point to environmental and social barriersā€”including stereotypes, gender bias, and the climate of science and engineering departments in colleges and universitiesā€”that continue to block womenā€™s progress in STEM.
  • Beyond the Male/Female Binary: Gender Equity and Inclusion in Evaluation Surveys
    Alexander Lussenhop
    Many museums collect data about their staff, volunteers, and/or visitors in some capacity, and questions about sex and gender are ubiquitous on their forms and surveys. However, museums can do more to consider the inclusivity of their sex and gender questions by going beyond the male/female binary. Museums should consider the needs of transgender and non-binary respondents in rethinking their gender data collection efforts.
  • The GENDER Book
    Mel Reiff Hill, Jay Mays, and Robin Mack
    ā€œThe GENDER Bookā€ is a book that provides a gender 101 reading for people of all ages and experiences. This is a visual book with unique and varied characters who explore a wide range of topics on gender. The book is the result of broad and in-depth research, that includes diverse community voices, and is a great resource for anyone wanting to learn more about gender no matter their level of understanding and experience.
  • Implicit Association Tests
    Project Implicit
    The Project Implicit website houses Implicit Association Tests (IAT) on multiple subjects, which can aid in your understanding of the unconscious bias that you hold. The Gender-Career IAT can reveal links between females and family and between males and career, while the Gender-Science IAT can reveal a relative link between liberal arts and females and between science and males.
  • A Progressiveā€™s Style Guide
    Hanna Thomas and Anna Hirsch
    ā€œA Progressiveā€™s Style Guideā€ highlights the power of words by demonstrating how to shift language choice to a more active people-focused direction that promotes respect and empowerment. This guide provides an in-depth look at fourteen ā€œissue areasā€ of language, like age, gender, and race, and provides resources, guidelines, and specific recommendations for terms that should be avoided and terms that can be used to develop an environment of acceptance for each area.
  • The Queer-Inclusive Museum
    Margaret Middleton
    ā€œThe Queer-Inclusive Museumā€ provides discussion on the ways in which museums can build queer inclusion into their institutions. The article specifically explores four tiers for this inclusion: programming, temporary exhibitions, interpretive strategy, and broad institutional support. This resource provides current examples of how museums are structuring themselves to be more inclusive to queer people and stories, while also explaining possible steps for museums at each tier.
  • A Coworkerā€™s Guide To: Gender Transition And Transgender Inclusion In The Museum Field
    The LGBTQ Alliance of AAMā€™s Task Force for Transgender Inclusion
    ā€œA Coworkerā€™s Guide To: Gender Transition And Transgender Inclusion In The Museum Fieldā€ is one piece of the three part ā€œToolkit for Trans Individuals, Institutions, and Coworkersā€ (also includes an Institutionā€™s Guide and a Transitioning Professionalā€™s Guide). The guide for coworkers includes suggestions on how to make your workspace more welcoming and trans-friendly, FAQs about trans colleagues, and basic vocabulary with updated language about gender.

The IF/THENĀ® Coalition includes partners across industries undertaking projects to increase the representation of women in STEM. In its role as an IF/THENĀ® Coalition Member, ASTC is creating a gender representation toolkit, awarding grants, and developing a digital library with photos and videos of women in STEM.

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