The digital publication of the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC)

AAAS elects Fellows with a connection to our field

AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has named its new class of AAAS Fellows. Election as a AAAS Fellow is a lifetime honor in recognition of diverse accomplishments, including, research, leadership, teaching, mentoring, fostering collaborations, and advancing public understanding of science. Fellows are nominated by AAAS’ 24 sections, three previous Fellows, or by the CEO of AAAS—and are subject to approval by the AAAS Council.

Although most of those elected as Fellows are recognized for their scientific research accomplishments, AAAS’ broad membership and diverse sections include a number of individuals associated with ASTC-member organizations or relevant to our field, including the following:

Headshot of Lori Bettison-Varga

Lori Bettison-Varga (Section of Geology & Geography)
President and Director
Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County (release)

Member, ASTC Board of Directors

Angela Calabrese Barton

Angela Calabrese Barton (Section on Education)
Chair, Educational Studies; Professor, School of Education
University of Michigan

Leader, CAISE Broadening Participation Task Force

Doug Erwin (Section on Geology & Geography)
Senior Research Biologist and Curator of Paleozoic Invertebrates
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (release)

MĂłnica FeliĂş MĂłjer

MĂłnica FeliĂş MĂłjer (Section on Societal Impacts of Science & Engineering)
Director of Communications and Public Engagement, Ciencia Puerto Rico (news)
Director of Inclusive Science Communication and Engagement, Science Communication Lab

Keynote Speaker, ASTC 2020 Virtual Annual Conference
Member, CAISE Research & Practice Task Force

Patrick Hamilton

Patrick Hamilton (Section on Education)
Director of Climate Change, Energy, and the Environment
Science Museum of Minnesota

Kirk Johnson

Kirk R. Johnson (Section on Geology & Geography)
Sant Director
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (release)

Asheley Landurum

Asheley R. Landrum (Section on General Interest in Science & Engineering)
Associate Professor of Science Communication
Texas Tech University

Sunshine Menezes

Sunshine Menezes (Section on General Interest in Science & Engineering)
Executive Director, Metcalf Institute
University of Rhode Island

Member, CAISE Broadening Participation Task Force

Ainissa Ramirez

Ainissa Ramirez (Section on Education)
Keynote Speaker, Scientist, and Science Communicator

Luiz Rocha

Luiz Rocha (Section on Biological Sciences)
Curator and Follett Chair, Ichthyology
California Academy of Sciences (release)

Pamela Soltis

Pamela Soltis (Section on Biological Sciences)
Curator, Molecular Systematics & Evolutionary Genetics
Florida Museum of Natural History (news)

Ellen Stofan

Ellen Stofan (Section on Astronomy)
Under Secretary for Science and Research
Smithsonian Institution (release)

Friedman Dialogues participant and discussion catalyst, ASTC 2019 Annual Conference

AAAS Fellow rosette
AAAS Fellows rosette

The 2022 class of AAAS Fellows includes 505 scientists, engineers, and innovators from around the world spanning scientific disciplines. Each will receive an official certificate and a gold and blue rosette pin to commemorate their election (representing science and engineering, respectively) and will be celebrated in Washington, D.C. later this year.

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