Relive the Energy of ASTC 2018

“Find your doers. There are people who want to help you; you just need to find them.
Make them feel connected to your work and empower them.”
—Kumar Garg, speaking at the ASTC 2018 Annual Conference

Back at our desks (or off to other destinations), we look back on the ASTC 2018 Annual Conference with a sense of renewed purpose. We came away energized, stimulated, and challenged. We networked, we listened, we built Rube Goldberg machines, we broke into break-out sessions, we ventured into the opposite gender’s bathroom, we danced, we dined, we learned, we shared.

If you are feeling a bit of post-conference let-down, you’re not alone. Recapture the energy of the conference by reliving some key moments. If you missed any of the brilliance of the weekend, catch up on the action by clicking on any of the links below:

Ed Yong, Science Writer for the Atlantic magazine, inspired and entertained the audience while highlighting the payoffs of listening to more women scientists. Click here to watch his talk.

Stephanie Devaney, Deputy Director of the All of Us Research Program at the at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and Kafui Dzirasa, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University, discussed their ground-breaking work in a discussion facilitated by moderator Rae Ostman, Associate Research Professor at Arizona State University. Click here to hear about their fascinating work.

Kumar Garg, Senior Director for Technology and Society at Schmidt Futures, spoke about the intersection of education, technology, and equity. Click here to watch his funny and informative insights.

Click here to watch Matt Fleury, CEO of the Connecticut Science Center, talk about conversation, community and the big hairy audacious goal.

To watch ASTC members share what inspired them most during the conference, click here.

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