Strategic Framework 2022-2025

The Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that creates strategic opportunities, develops intellectual capital, and assembles resources to support our members in realizing their missions and engaging their communities.

Our Vision: Increasing understanding of and engagement with science and technology among all people
Our Purpose: To champion and support science and technology centers and museums and the entire science engagement field.

The Work of Our Members

Our Strategic Approaches

As a leading convener for the science engagement field, ASTC will…

Champion public engagement with science

Promote the work of science and technology centers and museums

Collaborate and strengthen member connections across the full breadth of science-engagement ecosystems

Build greater support for science engagement activities and institutions

Strenghten members and their capacity

Help grow the diversity and skills of our members’ workforce

Facilitate innovation, connection, learning, and collaboration among members

Collect and share data and research

Build a more equitable and sustainable future

Support our members to lead with their communities on addressing climate change and biodiversity, equity and justice, and other critical issues

Spread and scale equity-focused approaches to science learning and engagement

Expand our members’ individual and collective impact in their communities and across the world

Our Targets

ASTC’s strategy will advance toward our vision and these ultimate targets. In the implementation of this strategy, ASTC will define metrics and develop data tools to measure progress toward these targets.

Our members are thriving community leaders

Science and technology centers and museums are recognized for their leadership and are thriving and adaptable institutions within their communities, supported by diverse and skilled staff, sustainable finances, and collaborative relationships across the science engagement field.

Science engagement efforts are well resourced

Science and technology engagement efforts—including the full spectrum of STEM learning, community science, and public participation and research activities—are recognized as valuable and well-resourced by public, private, and philanthropic sources.

All people are included in science engagement

The full diversity of people and
communities are equal participants
in learning about, contributing to, and
benefiting from science and technology.

Our Guiding Principles

  • Support all sizes and types of science engagement organizations
  • Amplify diverse ideas, perspectives, and backgrounds
  • Respect member perspectives
  • Prioritize effective partnerships to maximize impact
  • Collaborate globally from North America
  • Make data-driven decisions and adapt to change
  • Advance our commitment to equity and justice

To learn more about ASTC’s equity and justice work, visit

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